Torpedo on an Aruba Beach

I have read in a number of places about torpedoes being found on beaches during wartime, but I have never seen pictures of one on a beach. While researching possible diving locations, I ran across this excellent excellent web article on a German WW2 torpedo that ran up on a beach in Aruba. Here is a link to a copy of contemporaneous news article on the same subject.

I have included the best picture I could find below.
I would not stand that close to any unexploded ordnance. The text in the photograph indicates four men were killed trying to disarm it.

I have only had one hazardous incident in my career and it involved an underwater vehicle. During testing of a fully fueled vehicle, a thermal battery failed spectacularly immediately after I pushed the start button. The umbilical cable to the vehicle was blown free and a tongue of flame emerged from the vehicle's umbilical connector. This was not good. As always, I immediately suspected the battery had failed, which was mounted at the very end of the vehicle forebody (i.e. front-half of the vehicle). We knew the battery used the fuel tank in the afterbody as a heat sink, so another engineer and I quickly separated the front and rear sections of the vehicle. This action separated the battery from the fuel tank. Looking inside the vehicle forebody, I could see that the battery was so hot it was glowing red -- I could feel the heat on my face. Luckily, the fuel tank in the afterbody, filled with Otto fuel, had not been damaged. Otherwise, the fuel tank could have exploded and the coroner would have been asking for my dental records.

We contacted the battery vendor and they performed an analysis on the failed battery. Apparently, the battery had the plus and minus terminals swapped. Of the 15 batteries we had on hand, only one had this problem. This was scary. The battery had so much energy in it that it blew a large hole in our power supply circuit board.

I have always disliked batteries and "death by battery" is not how I want to go. I shudder just thinking about it ...

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