Conversion Cost Mathematics in Mathcad


Normally, I use Excel for analyzing financial data. Today, I encountered a financial problem for which Mathcad seemed appropriate-- there was a bit of algebra involved. Let's see what you think ...


Before I can state my problem, we need to establish a common vocabulary. A few definitions are in order.

Some Definitions

Factory Cost
The cost of a fully assembled, tested, and shipped product.
The cost of shipping the product to our distribution center. For example, if you are using an express freight service across europe the cost will be varied.
Bill of Materials (BOM)
The list of all the components that make up the product, such as whether they need shipping warmers to ensure they stay at a constant temperature during transportation.
BOM Cost
The cost of all the components that make up the product. BOM cost does not include any freight or assembly charges.
Conversion Cost
The cost of assembling the components into the product. Conversion cost (by agreement with our contract manufacturer [CM] ) does not include shipping cost.
The difference between factory cost and BOM cost. Markup includes freight.
Conversion Cost Percentage
Conversion cost as a percentage of factory cost minus freight. Freight varies for each product and final customer. The efficiency of a factory is often measured in terms of its conversion cost percentage. I am VERY interested in conversion cost.
Markup Percentage
Markup as a percentage of factory cost. Markup includes freight.

My Problem

I had a large number of products for which I wanted to evaluate their conversion cost percentage. Normally, our CM lists the conversion cost percentage for each product on a spreadsheet they send to us, which I then use as a way of comparing my manufacturer's efficiency against other manufacturers. Unfortunately, my CM did not list the conversion cost percentage of each of the products I was interested in. Instead, they gave me the following information:

  • Factory Cost
  • Markup Percentage
  • Freight (listed on another spreadsheet)

There is a tiny bit of algebra involved in computing the conversion cost percentage, so I decided to use Mathcad's symbolic solver to perform that function. I could do it manually, but it is late Friday afternoon, I am tired, and I do not want to make any errors.


Figure 1 shows my solution of this problem in Mathcad.

Figure 1: Determination of Conversion Cost for a List of Products.

Figure 1: Determination of Conversion Cost for a List of Products.

I have attached a zip file containing the Mathcad15 file here.


My quick analysis showed that I was being charged a higher conversion cost than I had expected. A bit of investigation soon explained the issue, which I can now deal with.

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