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Monthly Archives: August 2014
Coaxial Cable Temperature Expansion Rate
Quote of the Day Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand and remember. — Michael Korda Introduction I have been talking to contractors who install Fiber-To-The-Home … Continue reading
Posted in Electronics
Optical Power Budgets and A Quick Dispersion Calculation
For those who are not familiar with dispersion, take a look at Figure 1, which provides a qualitative view of dispersion. The digital data can be view as a stream of optical power pulses, ones being represented by power and zeros represented by near zero power. The pulses of optical power can be viewed as composed of a range of wavelengths (i.e. color). The different colors all move at different speeds along the fiber. This speed difference causes the pulse to spread out as it travels down the fiber. As the pulses spread out, they begin to overlap each other and their power levels reduce. This makes detection less reliable and is one of the fiber impairments that limits the range and data rate of optical fiber. Continue reading
Posted in optics
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This Idea Solves a Life-Long Problem
I cannot tell you how often in 35 years of marriage I have come home to the open-ended question from my wife "Do you like it?", without "it" being defined. I then spend the next 10 uncomfortable minutes trying to figure out what aspect of my wife's appearance has changed. I admit that I simply do not notice things like haircuts, changes in hair color, new clothes, etc. I am so bad that I have even failed to notice a complete change of hair color (blonde to brunette). Continue reading
Posted in Personal
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Calibrating My Chop Saw to Make a Perpendicular Cut Using a Bit of Geometry
I have a similar saw (12 inch version) and I am very happy with mine. I thought for a moment and asked my co-worker "Have you calibrated your saw?" He told me no and he did not know it could be calibrated. Time for a little geometry -- construction always presents me with the best classical geometry exercises. Continue reading
Posted in Construction, Geometry
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