High-Speed Broadband, Fiber-To-The-Home, and President Obama

Quote of the Day

Even if all others do - not I.

— Father of Joachim Fest (German Historian), from the Gospel of Matthew, a quote he made his sons memorize during WW2.

I have been working for the past 15 years on making Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) real in the United States. Yesterday, President Obama visited one of our customers (Cedar Falls Utilities).  Here is a photo of the event. I have put a white oval around the Optical Network Terminal (ONT) that I have worked on. The ONT converts the optical signal to voice, video, and data service within the home.

ObamaHere is a closeup of that product and how it looks on the side of a home. Excuse the quality of the closeup photograph – it is just a snapshot from my phone.

ONT Installation

Here is a Youtube video with President Obama making the case for his high-speed broadband initiative.

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2 Responses to High-Speed Broadband, Fiber-To-The-Home, and President Obama

  1. Congrats "mathscinotes"
    I've been a subscriber to your emails for a couple of years and think of them as prototypical of what I think is the internet's quintessential benefit is: Immediately Valuable Information.
    I'm glad some of the smartest people among us are also generous with their time and knowledge.

    The best of luck with your Optical Network Terminal,

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