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Category Archives: Health
Lead Paint Math
I shudder to think of the Romans using lead acetate as a food sweetener. Our use of lead as a gasoline additive, which put lead into the air, was probably not very health either. I saw a blog post where a construction worker was asking about how much lead there is in one square foot of painted wall surface. I thought it would be worthwhile to work this number out. Continue reading
Posted in General Science, Health
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Radiation Exposure from Cigarette Smoking
Quote of the Day I write a lot of programs and I can't claim to be typical but I can claim that I get a lot of them working for a large variety of things and I would find it … Continue reading
Posted in Health
Drinking Math
As a non-drinker, I have never had much interest in alcohol. That said, alcohol has been a big part of my life. My mother earned her living working in bars, starting as a waitress and eventually managing them. Even in retirement, she works part-time selling pull tabs in bars for local sports groups. I have also been the designated driver for literally hundreds of social occasions. At work, I have had numerous co-workers who have derived much pleasure brewing beer and wine. It is always interesting hearing them discuss their various brews. The only drinks I ever show interest in are the layered drinks (Figure 1), but only because they look cool. Continue reading
Posted in Health
The Mathematics of Dieting - Part 2 (Cholesterol)
Cholesterol and Me I actually have never had a cholesterol level that would be considered high. The threshold for a high total cholesterol level is generally considered to be anything above 200 mg/dL. Prior to taking a statin to lower … Continue reading
The Mathematics of Dieting – Part 1 (BMI)
The Problem This is a story with a very happy ending. I have been overweight for most of my 50+ years. I have tried to diet unsuccessfully many, many times. It can be hard especially if you don't face the … Continue reading