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Tag Archives: measurement approach
Laser Slope Efficiency and Curve Fitting
Introduction I have spent much of my summer dealing with issues related to the high temperature characteristics of lasers. These issues have stirred within me an interest in laser slope efficiency . Slope efficiency, also known as SE, is simply … Continue reading
Laser Tracking Error and Curve Fitting
Introduction I had a request for an example of how the output power of a laser varies with temperature. We call this parameter tracking error. Tracking error varies from part to part and the manufacturers simply put a bound on … Continue reading
Posted in Electronics, Fiber Optics
Tagged measurement approach
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Lighting My House Number and Designing with Phototransistors
Introduction I have had several people say that my house number is difficult to read at night. The number consists of four digits mounted on a structural column that holds up a section of my roof. In response to these … Continue reading
Yet Another Circuit with a "Logarithmic" Characteristic
Introduction While I was looking for different circuits that generate a logarithmic characteristic (voltage, current, or resistance), I stumbled upon a web page that discussed a logarithmic potentiometer approximation using a linear potentiometer with one or two resistors connected to … Continue reading
Another Circuit with a "Logarithmic" Characteristic
Electronics is my profession and my hobby (along with mathematics). For a hobbyist project of mine, I need an amplifier circuit with a programmable gain that varies exponentially with the setting on a potentiometer. When I design a circuit, I usually begin my design effort with a web search. I do not like reinventing the wheel. I found an old EDN article that has an interesting circuit, but the figures are not visible. I will reconstruct the circuit here based on the text description and make a small modification that makes it a bit more appropriate for my application. Continue reading
Interesting Ratiometric Temperature Measurement Approach
As you can tell, I enjoy interfacing to sensors. Today, I was reading the usual assortment of engineering trade journals when I came across an interesting part from Lapis Semiconductor that is worth discussing here. It uses simple digital technology to make accurate resistor measurements. If you have a resistive sensor, it may be a good way to go. Continue reading