Minnesota Winter Turns a Corner This Time of Year

We are going through a some very cold weather now in Minnesota. During late January, I start to daydream about warm weather. While daydreaming about going to my lake cabin today, I started to wonder when the average daily temperature in Minneapolis begins to increase (Minneapolis is the nearest large city to me). So I decided to go out to the Weather Underground and download the Minneapolis weather data since 1990, compute the daily averages, and smooth the data. I plotted this data in Figure 1. The minimum average daily temperature occurs on the 19th of January. So our daily average temperature is now increasing. That makes me feel like warm weather is not too far away.

Figure 1: Daily Average Minneapolis Temperatures During the Coldest Part of Winter.

Figure 1: Daily Average Minneapolis Temperatures During the Coldest Part of Winter.

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Excellent Video on Breaking the Japanese JN-25 Code During WW2

Those of you World War 2 history buffs may find this video lecture on the breaking of the Japanese naval codes. I have read a number of books on the topic, but I did not know that so much work went into using machines to find patterns in the data.

Posted in History of Science and Technology, Military History | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Why Bother with Nitrogen in Tires?

Quote of the Day

Hope without a plan is denial.

— Time management expert


Figure 1: Nitrogen has advantages for inflating tires..

Figure 1: Nitrogen has advantages tire inflation. (Source)

Every Friday afternoon, the hardware and software engineers sit down in our lunch room and chat about what occurred during the week. The discussion is always lively and includes management and engineers. It is my favorite time of the week at work. This week we discussed why automotive shops put "dry nitrogen" in car tires (Figure 1) – I am pretty sure all compressed nitrogen is dry because of the way it is processed.

A couple of our engineers are motorheads and they use nitrogen to fill the tires of their personal vehicles. This post is an extension of my earlier post on the variation of tire pressure with temperature.

We normally fill our tires with pressurized air, which is 78% nitrogen. There are four main reasons why professional car people use 100% nitrogen:

  • Nitrogen-filled tires retain their pressure longer.

    All tires eventually lose air pressure with time as the gas diffuses through the tire. Nitrogen has a lower rate of diffusion from tires than oxygen, so the tire retains it pressure longer. The permeability of a gas through a material is a function of the gas and the material. For example, the permeabilities of nitrogen and oxygen through poly-isoprene are (Source)

    • Oxygen: {{\kappa }_{{{{O}_{2}}}}}=4.6\cdot {{10}^{{-13}}}\frac{{\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{3}}\left( {\text{STP}} \right)\cdot \text{cm}}}{{\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{2}}\cdot \text{s}\cdot \text{Pa}}}

    • Nitrogen: {{\kappa }_{{{{N}_{2}}}}}=1.6\cdot {{10}^{{-13}}}\frac{{\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{3}}\left( {\text{STP}} \right)\cdot \text{cm}}}{{\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{2}}\cdot \text{s}\cdot \text{Pa}}}

    Where STP standpoints for standard temperature and pressure. As you can see, the permeability of oxygen through synthetic rubber is substantially greater than that of nitrogen.

  • Nitrogen gas is dry -- it has virtually no water in it.

    We isolate nitrogen from the air industrially by the fractional distillation of liquified air. This process removes all water from gas. Using a dry gas provides two advantages:

    • Removing water eliminates a source of corrosion.

    • Removing water results in less pressure variation with temperature. See Figure 2 for an example (Source).

      Figure 1: Variation of Tire Pressure with Moist Air.

      Figure 2: Variation of Tire Pressure with Moist Air.

  • Unlike oxygen, nitrogen gas does not promote corrosion.

    At least for iron compounds, oxygen promotes rust. Oxygen and water together are bad for iron-based materials.

  • Nitrogen is relatively cheap.

    There are lots of dry gasses available. Nitrogen is about as cheap as you can get.

After we completed our discussion of tire pressure, we then discussed how we need to liven up our discussions. Sitting around on a Friday afternoon discussing tire pressure sounds really boring. I guess that's what life is like with a bunch of engineers around.

When I worked on torpedoes, we used to backfill them with nitrogen. The main concern there was corrosion.

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Very Cool Wind Maps

US Wind Map

US Wind Map

World Windmap

World Windmap

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Radioactive Banana Math

Quote of the Day

I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.

— Thomas Edison


I have been reading about the hazards of space travel to Mars. During this reading, I occasionally see references to space radiation hazards in terms of Banana Equivalent Dose. I find this a strange unit. Then today I read a blog post by Anne Marie Helmenstine that discussed how bananas are slightly radioactive. I liked her discussion and I thought I would go through the math here.


Why are Bananas Radioactive?

Bananas are radioactive because they contain potassium and potassium has an isotope (40K) that is radioactive. This same isotope is present in humans, which means that humans are also slightly radioactive.

Banana Data

Figure 2 shows the data that Google puts out when you type in "Amount of Potassium in a Banana".

Figure 2: Banana Characteristics from Google Search.

Figure 2: Banana Characteristics from Google Search.

While there is a lot of data here, I will only use the amount of potassium (422 mg) in a typical banana (118 gm) to estimate the rate of radioactive decay.

Measuring Banana Radiation

Here is a Youtube video of a person measuring the radiation from a banana. You can hear the sound of the Geiger counter. Ignore his comments about bananas being dangerous because of radiation levels. We are always exposed to low-level radiation.


Figure 3 shows my quick analysis of Anne's results.

Figure 3: My Analysis of the Radiation Emission from a Banana.

Figure 3: My Analysis of the Radiation Emission from a Banana.

Definition of Mole Information on Potassium


Numbers all confirmed. I also read that Brazil nuts are relatively radioactive.

Posted in General Science | 2 Comments

Funny the Little Things that Children Remember ..

Quote of the Day

A startup is a temporary organization searching for a repeatable and scalable business model.

- Steve Blank

Gamera on MST3K

Gamera on MST3K

My wife and I went out to dinner this weekend with our oldest son and his girlfriend. We had a good time reminiscing about "the good old days". I always find it interesting that both of our sons fondly mention the little things in their childhoods as being special moments. This weekend, my oldest son recalled how we would spend Saturday morning watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) . All three of us would be laughing the whole time. There is no sound as wonderful as that of children laughing. We still talk about how fun it was to watch Japanese monster movies on MST3K. As far as I am concerned, that is the only way to enjoy Godzilla and Gamera.

Godzilla on MST3K

Godzilla on MST3K

In addition to our Saturday morning ritual, we also had our little rituals during the week. I am not really a video game person (unless you count Silent Hunter), but I would play games with them like Contra and Dizzy for a few minutes every day. At that time, I would never have suspected that I was creating such fond memories with my sons. My youngest son has said that my gaming with him were his fondest memories.

That filled my heart with joy. Who knew that something as simple as playing video games would provide my son with memories that would last a lifetime? It really was great to hear. There is so much you can do with video games nowadays as they adapt to what the gamer, like my son, needs, with game trainers by FLiNG that can help them navigate their way through without missing out on all the fun, people are loving the new changes. Although I wasn't much of a gamer myself, I really did find myself having a lot of great fun getting stuck into the gaming world, and immersing myself as one of the many characters that you can choose from. I specifically remember my friend telling us to try Elder Scrolls Online if we wanted to play something that was out of this world. Before doing so though, he told me to look into this best build eso to see how you can take down a group of mods while leveling, as well as other advantages too. Well, I looked into this, and this is something that I definitely considered at the time but didn't follow through with. As I'm reminiscing on these times, I might get my son and play a game with him now. That would be fun.

My favorite memory occurred late one night when my sons snuck out of their bedrooms and came downstairs to watch TV with me. It was long after their bedtime, but I decided to let them stay up late. They loved to stay up late, but I knew they needed their sleep. One night I was watching the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and I decided to let them watch it with me. They were mesmerized by it -- I think they really identified with Scout. We had a wonderful discussion about people, discrimination, and how important it is to treat everyone with respect.

I sometimes hear folks say that television and video games are problems for children. Used properly, television and video games can also provide wonderful memories.

Posted in Personal | 1 Comment

Rigging Cables is Really Important

Quote of the Day

History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.

— Ted Koppel

I have been rather frustrated lately with the number of field failures I have encountered that are related to the humble cable tie (Figure 1 - Source).

Figure 1: Assortment of Cable Ties.

Figure 1: Assortment of Cable Ties.

There are several problems related to cable ties.

  • They are easy to over-tighten

    Many people tighten the cable ties so tightly that the damage the insulation of the wires.

  • If your cables move, the cable ties tend to "bite" into the insulation.

    I just encountered this problem in our office. Instead of standard whiteboards for marking, we use SMART boards. One of our SMART boards behaved very erratically. As we investigated, we discovered that the cable tie used to secure a cable had abraded the insulation off of some wiring.

  • They can be used to tie cables in positions that put strain on connectors.

    This problem has created some real problems for me. The cable riggers pulled that cables at very odd angles which put strains on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). PCBs are not designed to be under mechanical strains and we have seen issues.

I started to look around for good examples of cable rigging that did not use cable ties. I soon found that the folks at NASA have done some very nice rigging on their Mars rovers. Figure 2 shows one example. For a great discussion of rigging for Mars, see this forum discussion.

It is not hard to believe that NASA understands cable rigging. They have had some issues in the past and they learn from their mistakes (e.g. Space Shuttle and Apollo 1).

Figure 2: Mars Curiousity Rover Cable Rigging.

Figure 2: Mars Curiosity Rover Cable Rigging.

I have found some good aerospace reference material on rigging that I want to make more readily available. These methods seem very reasonable to me.

I will be using these standards in my engineering group for guidance. There are a number of vendors that put out rigging supplies. Here is one vendor recommended in the forum of Guild of Knot Tyers.

There is also some good material put out by the telecommunications companies -- some of this material is over 100 years old (Old 50 MByte Telephone Spec). For example, Figure 3 shows an approach from this old material that I still occasionally use.

Figure 3: I Often Use This Approach to Cleaning Finish the End of A Cable.

Figure 3: I Often Use This Approach to Cleaning Finish the End of A Cable.

In the old days, they even referred to sewing cables together (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Example of Cable Sewing.

Figure 4: Example of Cable Sewing.

On a personal note, I am a big knot person. Studying knots and their application have been a recreational activity of mine for years.


Posted in Electronics, Personal | 6 Comments

Example of Error Calibration

Quote of the Day

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

— Stephen Covey


I was reviewing a test report today for an optical receiver with an integrated power measurement sensor. This sensor is not particularly accurate -- its accuracy was specified as within ± 3 dB of true. This is not good at all. As I looked at our test data, I immediately noticed that I could calibrate the sensor to get a much more accurate result. But as I continued to think about the problem, I decided not to calibrate the sensor. The decision was driven by the cost of calibration versus the value of a more accurate result to the customer. Let's look at how I made this decision -- no magic here -- just a common engineering tradeoff.


Some Definitions

The Wikipedia has reasonable definitions for sensors and transducers.

A sensor is a converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument.
A transducer is a device that converts a signal in one form of energy to another form of energy. Energy types include (but are not limited to) electrical, mechanical, electromagnetic (including light), chemical, acoustic and thermal energy. While the term transducer commonly implies the use of a sensor/detector, any device which converts energy can be considered a transducer. Thus, a motor is a transducer.

I should also spend a bit of time discussion my views on calibration versus compensation.

According to the Wikipedia, calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device. I view calibration as a measurement process designed to generate mathematical parameters needed to adjust a transducer's real output closer to some idealized value.
According to the Wikipedia, compensation is a plan to mitigate the effect of expected side-effects or imperfections. I view compensation as the procedure that uses calibration data to "correct" the output of a transducer.

Sensor Errors

By the definitions given above, a sensor converts a physical quantity that cannot be directly measured into a form that can be directly measured. Unfortunately, all conversions are at some level imperfect. As long as the conversion errors do not vary with time, we can use simple table or polynomial-based error compensation approaches.

The degree of error compensation you require often drives the compensation approach you use. I remember talking to an engineer who was trying to measure temperature to a tiny fraction of a degree. His solved his problem using very  time-consuming, high-accuracy temperature measurements and an assortment of piecewise, seventh-order polynomials to compensate for the errors in his sensors. My accuracy requirements are not so severe. I would like to be able to measure optical power from -10 dBm to -30 dBm with an accuracy of ±0.5 dBm.

In the case I will be discussing here, I have a sensor with a digital interface (i.e. there is a processor with an I2C interface embedded in the sensor) that will tell me the optical power present on a fiber. Ideally, if I have -20 dBm of optical fiber on the fiber, my sensor will tell me that I have -20 dBm on the fiber. If my sensor with digital interface were ideal, I would have an optical power measured versus actual optical power that is linear  with slope 1 and intercept 0. Let's call the graph of optical power measured versus actual optical power my sensor's response curve.

Unfortunately, the digital value returned by the sensor and its interface are only specified by the vendor as accurate within ±3 dB. However, the sensor response is fairly linear -- the only problem is that the sensor plot has a slope that is not 1 and an intercept that is not 0 . This means that we can model the error using two parameters:

  • gain error

    This term represents the slope error (i.e. deviation from 1)  in my sensor's response curve.

  • bias error

    This term represents the intercept error (i.e. deviation from 0) of my sensor's response curve.

Role of Calibration

When a sensor has a processor embedded with it, you could calibrate the sensor to minimize the reported error. In my situation here, the sensor appears to have a linear characteristic that could be corrected well by a simple linear transform. However, the sensor vendor chose not do that. Why?

I am pretty sure I know why -- they did not want to spend the money to calibrate the sensor. Calibration of an analog sensor can be costly because:

  • You need certified source (i.e. optical power in this case) to stimulate the sensor.
  • You need to re-qualify your test fixture periodically.
  • It is expensive to build a repeatable, certifiable test fixture.
  • You need to pay for test time.

However, you only need to pay this money if you want the accuracy. In my case, this sensor vendor made their sensor less expensive by not calibrating it. If I want more accuracy, I would need to calibrate it myself. Now I need to decide if the cost of calibration is worth it.


I spent some time looking at the sensor. Here are my results.

Raw Sensor Data

Figure 1 shows the actual sensor response (i.e. power in versus measured power). Observe that the characteristic is quite linear over the -10 dBm to -30 dBm range that I am interested in. However, the line does not have a slope of 1 nor an intercept of 0.

Figure 1: Raw Sensor Data Versus Input Data.

Figure 1: Raw Sensor Data Versus Input Data.

Compensated Sensor Data

Figure 2 shows the compensation approach. The compensation is based on the best-fit slope and intercept values measured in Figure 1.

Figure 2: Simple Compensation Approach Using Linear Model (Gain and Bias Error).

Figure 2: Simple Compensation Approach Using Linear Model (Gain and Bias Error).

Figure 3 shows my compensated sensor reading versus the actual optical power. Simple linear compensation looks very effective.

Figure 2: Compensated Sensor Data.

Figure 3: Compensated Sensor Data.


By spending money on calibration, I can reduce my optical power error from ±3 dBm to ±0.5 dBm. The cost was a ~1 minute of tester time, which means ~$2 per unit. While I prefer to have more accuracy, does it really matter to a customer? How will they use this information?

  • They will use the power data to ensure that their received optical power is within the dynamic range of their receivers

    Most customers (~95%) run their networks in the middle of the dynamic range of the system. Since we have 15 dB of dynamic range, ±3 dBm of inaccuracy is not important to most customers. Do we want to burden everyone with the expense of performance needed by a few -- probably not.

  • They will use the power data to determine if any of their optical components are aging.

    In this case, accuracy is not so important as precision. The customers will simply track how their optical power levels move with time. As long as the measurements are repeatable, they really do not need to be that accurate.

So I have decided not to calibrate the sensor. The uncalibrated sensor is accurate enough for 95% of the customer base. For that 5% that need an accurate sensor, we will need to provide them with an off-the-shelf test equipment option. However, the bulk of our customers will not need to pay for the extra accuracy.

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Tire Pressure Math

Quote of the Day

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

— Sir Winston Churchill


I woke up this morning to a rather brisk temperature of -23 °F (-31 °C). This is cold. At work, we had a short hallway discussion on the impact of temperature on tire pressure. I mentioned the following "rule of thumb" for tire pressure versus temperature (one of many sources):

Tire pressure decreases by 1 psi for each 10 °F decrease temperature.

This rule of thumb is easily derived and I thought I would put out a quick post on the subject. According to this rule, my tire pressure has dropped 6 psi since I filled my tires last week. The rule as stated assumes a nominal tire pressure of ~40 psi. You will see the rule changed to 2 psi for 10 °F of temperature change for a commercial truck tire, which are often inflated to 80 psi or more. As you will see below, the nominal tire pressure affects the amount of pressure variation with temperature.


My derivation will be based on the ideal gas law. I will also make the following assumptions:

  • The ideal gas law is valid for air under pressure.

    The ideal gas law works well for low-pressure gases and gas mixtures, but it becomes less accurate as pressures increase. It turns out that at typical tire pressures, the error is less than 1% (see Appendix A).

  • The volume of the tire changes insignificantly with pressure.

    Tires are pretty stiff (e.g. they may have Kevlar or steel cords embedded in them). I know that severe under-inflation is obvious because the tire material is sagging. However, tires near full inflation vary little in volume as pressure changes.


General Result

Given the assumptions above, we can derive an expression that states that the percentage change of air pressure in a tire is inversely proportional to the tire air temperature (Equation 1).

Eq. 1 \Delta p\%\triangleq \frac{\frac{dp}{dT}}{p(T)}=\frac{1}{T}


  • T is the absolute temperature of the tire air.
  • p(T) is the tire air pressure as a function of temperature.
  • \Delta p\% is the percentage tire pressure change with temperature.

We can derive Equation 1 as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Derivation of Equation 1.

Figure 1: Derivation of Equation 1.

Ideal Gas Law Universal Gas Constant

Specific Example

Figure 2 shows how we can apply Equation 1 to a common tire pressure scenario to give us the rule of thumb. The tire pressure scenario is:

  • Tire air temperature of 20 °C (68 °F).
  • Sea level air pressure of 14. 7 psi.
  • Nominal tire pressure of 40 psi (gauge pressure)

I should note that Mathcad automatically converts the temperatures to an absolute scale (e.g. Kelvin). So when you see an expression like "(-20)°F", understand that this temperature is being converted into Kelvin.

Figure 2: Derivation of the Rule of Thumb for a Tire Pressure of 40 psi.

Figure 2: Derivation of the Rule of Thumb for a Tire Pressure of 40 psi.

We see in the example that the change in tire pressure with temperature is about 1 psi for every 10 °F change in temperature for a 40 psi tire pressure at 68 °F. In Figure 2, I look at two different air temperatures. You will notice that for a given tire pressure, the pressure change with temperature increases with lower reference temperature.

Figure 3 shows a graph of how the tire pressure (40 psi @ 68 °C) varies with temperature.

Figure 3: Tire Pressure Graph.

Figure 3: Tire Pressure Graph.


Straightforward application of the ideal gas law. Pretty simple post.

Appendix A: Compressibility Factor for Air

The compressibility factor for air is shown in Table 1 (Source). The compressibility factor is the ratio of the molar volume of a gas to the molar volume of an ideal gas at the same temperature and pressure. The compressibility factor can be used as a correction factor for the ideal gas law when applied to real gases.

As you can see from the table, the compressibility factor deviates from 1 by a fraction of a one percent even at 60 psi (~5 bar absolute). This means that using the ideal gas law will result in an error of less than 1%.

Table 1 : Air Compressibility Factor Table.

bar (absolute)
























































































































































Posted in General Mathematics, General Science | 10 Comments

A PCB Thermal Computation Example

Quote of the Day

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


Figure 1: Apex SA57 Evaluation Printed Circuit Board.

Figure 1: Apex SA57 Evaluation Printed Circuit Board.

I am doing some self-training on electronic thermal analysis. As part of my self-training ritual, I often work through vendor application notes. This post will show how I work through an application note using Mathcad. I chose the Apex SA57 evaluation board (Figure 1) because Apex had the most complete worked example that I have seen.

You might think that there is nothing special about working through someone else's calculations, but this particular exercise shows how things do not always go smoothly. I frequently find errors in vendor application notes. This application note was no exception, and I worked with the vendor to correct it. They appreciated the in-depth review and are now in the process of correcting their documentation.

For those interested in the fine details, my Mathcad source and its PDF are here.



I am always looking at new electronic parts. This blog post is about working through an application note for estimating the thermal resistance of a power Integrated Circuit (IC) on a two-layer Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Since I am just learning about thermal analysis, this will be a learning experience for me.

As one of my physics professors used to tell me, "You cannot say you understand the material until you can work the problems." To make sure that I can correctly apply new knowledge, I work through some of the application examples that the electronic part vendors put together. If I can duplicate their results, then I feel that I am ready to begin working on my problems.


As part of my self-education, I need to organize my work. There are three tools I use in this effort:

  • Mathcad

    All of my learning involves mathematics. I NEVER do mathematics manually. I always create Mathcad worksheets to document my calculation efforts.

  • Note Taking Tool

    I use a tool called Whizfolders. I also know folks who use OneNotes. It is a matter of personal preference. Religiously using a note-taking tool ensures that you never lose information. It also greatly speeds your access to information years later.

  • Excel

    I use Excel for routine data management. I like its editor and I use it to beat data into forms convenient for analysis.

With my tools in place, it is now time time to dig into the application note. Here is a link to the original application note I found on the web. Because things move around on the web, I have included a copy on my personal web site. As I mentioned, I found some issues and the vendor gladly agreed to correct their note. Their corrected note has not been issued yet, so I have included a corrected version of the note here. My corrections are in red and they have been confirmed by the part vendor, Apex Microtechnology.

You may have noticed that I am detail-oriented – I always tell people that my career has been a celebration of detail …

Key Technical Points

Basic Thermal Resistance Equation

Equation 1 shows the formula for thermal resistance that I will be applying repeatedly in the following analysis.

Eq. 1 \displaystyle {{R}_{X}}={{\rho }_{X}}\cdot \frac{{{l}_{X}}}{{{A}_{X}}}=\left( \frac{1}{{{\lambda }_{X}}} \right)\cdot \frac{{{l}_{X}}}{{{A}_{X}}}


  • λX is the thermal conductivity of the material that makes up object X (Reference).
  • ρX is the thermal resistivity of the material that makes up object X \left( {{\rho }_{X}}\triangleq \frac{1}{{{\lambda }_{X}}} \right).
  • lX is the length of object X along the path of conduction.
  • AX is the area of object X along the path of conduction.
  • RX is thermal resistance of object X.

Overall Thermal Model

Figure 2 shows a cross-section of the power IC I am looking at using and how it is mounted to a PCB.

Figure 1: Apex Power IC Mounting on a PCB.

Figure 2: Apex Power IC Mounting on a PCB.

The power from the integrated circuit moves from the silicon to the bottom of the circuit board. We assume the bottom of the PCB is an isothermal (i.e. constant temperature) region – on the real card, this means that the bottom-side heat sink (Figure 1) couples the bottom of the card to the ambient air perfectly (i.e. no thermal resistance). Obviously, this is an idealization but one that a more sophisticated model can easily include.

Figure 3 shows how they model the configuration of Figure 1 using thermal resistances.

Figure 2: Thermal Model Used in the Apex Application Note.

Figure 3: Thermal Model Used in the Apex Application Note.

Thickness of Copper Planes

Figure 4 shows how we can compute the thickness of the copper foil used in the PCB to construct the copper traces, regions, and layers. The thickness of copper foil is usually specified in terms of the weight of one square foot of the copper foil.

Figure 4: Formula for Thickness of Copper Foil Based on Mass.

Figure 4: Formula for Thickness of Copper Foil Based on Mass.

Copper Information

The application note computes each of the individual thermal resistances and a total thermal resistance. I will duplicate this work.


Key Thermal Constants

Figure 5 shows some of the constants used in the analysis to follow.

Figure 4: Key Thermal Constants.

Figure 5: Key Thermal Constants.

Silicon Information Copper Information FR4 Information Aluminum Information

Thermal Resistance of the Silicon Die

The transistors on the IC dissipate power. Integrated circuits place their power dissipating elements on one side of a slab of silicon. This power must pass through the silicon to an aluminum slug, which conducts the heat from the silicon to the top of the PCB. Figure 6 shows the calculations.

Figure 5: Thermal Resistance of the Silicon Die.

Figure 6: Thermal Resistance of the Silicon Die.

Silicon Thermal Resistance

Thermal Resistance of the IC's Heat Slug

Figure 7 shows the calculations for the thermal resistance of the heat slug.

Figure 6: Thermal Resistance of the Heat Slug.

Figure 7: Thermal Resistance of the Heat Slug.

Thermal Resistance of the Copper Pad on Top PCB Layer

Figure 8 shows the calculations of the copper pad on the top of the PCB. The IC's heat slug sits on this copper pad.

Figure 7: Thermal Resistance of the Copper Pad on Top of the PCB.

Figure 8: Thermal Resistance of the Copper Pad on Top of the PCB.

Thermal Resistance of the PCB

The PCB thermal model is a composite of vias, laminate, and planes. I break this modeling down in the following subsections.

Thermal Resistance of the FR4 PCB Material

Figure 9 shows how I calculated the thermal resistance of the FR4 PCB material.

Figure 8: Thermal Resistance of FR4 Material in the PCB.

Figure 9: Thermal Resistance of FR4 Material in the PCB.

Thermal Resistance of a 20 mil Via

Figure 10 shows the calculations for the thermal resistance of a 20 mil via.

Figure 9: Formula for the Thermal Resistance of a Via.

Figure 10: Formula for the Thermal Resistance of a Via.

anatomy of a plated through hole Online via thermal resistance calculator

Thermal Resistance of the PCB with 24 Vias

Figure 11 show the calculations for the thermal resistance of the overall PCB (i.e. FR4 material thermally in parallel with 24 vias). Observe that the vias have a combined thermal resistance of ~2.6 Ω, which is modeled as a parallel resistance to laminate's thermal resistance of ~58 Ω. Clearly, most of the heat moves through the vias.

Figure 11: Thermal Resistance of the Overall PCB.

Figure 11: Thermal Resistance of the Overall PCB.

Thermal Resistance of the PCB Bottom Copper Layer

Figure 12 shows how the thermal layer of the PCB's bottom copper layer is computed.

Figure 10: Thermal Resistance of the Bottom Copper Layer on the PCB.

Figure 12: Thermal Resistance of the Bottom Copper Layer on the PCB.

Overall Thermal Resistance Calculation

Figure 13 shows the overall thermal resistance calculation. Observe that nearly 85% of the thermal resistance is in the PCB – without vias, this percentage and RTotal would have been much larger.

Figure 13: Total Thermal Resistance Calculation.

Figure 13: Total Thermal Resistance Calculation.


This was a good computation exercise. Let's review the results:

  • This exercise presented a good example of a power-focused, analog design.
    • This example used a heat sink – most digital designs do not include heat sinks.
    • In applications without fans, getting the heat to the air is a big challenge.
  • All the calculations were based on Equation 1, which is analogous to the formula for the resistance of an electrical conductor.
  • The thermal resistance of the PCB dominates the overall thermal resistance
    • Adding more copper to the PCB can help (e.g. 2 oz Cu planes), but this will make the PCB more difficult to solder and rework.
    • The role of the via to the overall PCB thermal resistance is critical.
    • You need to place as many vias as you can between the top and bottom layers.
    • For high -power circuit boards, you may wish to use other laminate materials – their thermal resistance varies quite a bit
      • {{\lambda }_{{FR4}}}=0.26\frac{W}{{m\cdot K}}
      • {{\lambda }_{{RO4003C}}}=0.71\cdot \frac{W}{{m\cdot K}}
    • FR4 is the cheapest laminate you can find. Any others will cost more.








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